The goal of the conference is to create a forum for energy stakeholders to share ideas and information with the hope of promoting economic development, environmental sustainability and energy security for Alaskans.

Discussions and presentations will focus on exploring the technical and economic feasibility of both existing fossil fuel and renewable energy options for rural Alaska, discuss new technologies, recent success stories, and identify what the state and industry can do to help rural utilities function at the highest possible level.

Structured within Business, Technology, and Maintenance & Operations tracks, sessions will cover topics including load management, data monitoring and analysis, plant operations, federal funding and local financing, asset management, efficiency, energy storage, rate setting, renewables, heat recovery, diesel maintenance, planning, clean energy integration, bulk fuel farms, alternative fuels, power system distribution, capacity building, workforce development, and more!


Continue to check back for updates and information about the 2024 AK Rural Energy Conference.

Monday, September 30: Alaska Energy Justice Economic Forum

Hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Justice & Equity, this one-day Forum aims to connect Alaskans, Alaska Native entities, and other attendees to federal, state, and local resources that will set them on a path of economic opportunity, growth, and wealth creation. Learn about community benefit plans, Justice40, and Department of Energy resources, and inform DOE processes that focus on job and business development, municipal and tribal government benefits, job quality, and community services.

Tuesday, October 1: Preconference Sessions and Activities

All day: PCE Training – Conducted by Alaska Energy Authority – Katherine Aubry, AEA

Morning: Grid Resilience – DOE Grid Deployment Office

  • The U.S. Department of Energy’s Grid Deployment Office (GDO) will host a pre-conference workshop to share GDO funding opportunities (including both formula and competitive grants) to improve grid resilience in the face of extreme weather and natural disasters. GDO will provide examples of funded projects, followed by facilitated discussions to support tribes and rural Alaska communities in improving grid resilience. Based on understanding the challenges related to climate change and severe weather events in Alaska, GDO will present information on grid resilience options that will lead to facilitated discussions on:
    • How technology deployment choices affect energy system resilience.
    • Technology deployment options that can support lasting system resilience improvements
  • The workshop will conclude by highlighting how GDO technical assistance resources and support could be valuable to help tribes and remote AK communities navigate future resilient energy system funding opportunities, with a brief introduction on how other DOE program funding could support projects that complement grid resilience (e.g. microgrids, battery storage).

Afternoon: Bulk Fuel Summit – Denali Commission

  • At the bulk fuel summit in April, there were presentations about the critical role tank farms play in rural communities, AEA’s current inventory and assessment as a source of information about the state of these facilities, and the increasing gap between funding needed to provide critical repair, rebuilds, and relocations versus the very low level of annual funding typically available. This follow-up work session will build on outcomes, including to discuss: There may be efficiencies available by aggregating tank farm administrative/management and spill prevention/response tasks under regional entities or a statewide entity, freeing up cash that could be reinvested in capital improvement projects while also extending the life of facilities and reducing the number of spills through improved management. There are financing tools that may help with the funding gap.

Visit: Safety Trailer – Alaska Power Association

  • APA’s Loss Control and Safety Specialist plans to conduct two safety demonstrations using the new APA Safety Trailer. Attendees will see the training opportunities for educating community members on electric utility hazards, safety concepts and how the electric system works.

Evening Reception – Meet and Greet

Day 1: Wednesday, October 2
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
7:30 am Breakfast
8:00-8:30 am

Welcome to the 2024 Rural Energy Conference

Emcee – Robert Venables, Southeast Conference

·        Betty Ross, Deputy Director, Tanana Chiefs Conference

·        Mayor David Pruhs, City of Fairbanks

·        Mayor Bryce Ward, Fairbanks North Star Borough

·        Doyon

·        Chancellor Dan White, University of Alaska Fairbanks

8:30-9:30 am

The importance of energy security, affordability, and reliability for rural Alaska community resilience


9:30-11:00 am

Renewable Integration in Rural Alaska: Inspirational Case Studies

Moderated by Bill Stamm, AVEC

·        Tim Kalke, Sustainable Energy Galena Alaska

·        Tom Atkinson, Kotzebue Electric Association

·        Clay Koplin, Cordova Electric

·        Peter Asmus, ACEP

11:00-11:30 am BREAK

11:30-1:00 pm


Lunch Plenary – Maximizing Federal Investments

Moderated by Erin Whitney, DOE Arctic Energy Office

·        Opening Remarks – Dr. Geri Richmond, Under Secretary of Science and Innovation, DOE

·        Jocelyn Fenton, Denali Commission

·        Julia Hnilicka, USDA RD

·        Jolene John, BIA

·        Lauren Boldrick, EPA

·        Michael Kuca, DOE Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations

1:00-1:30 pm BREAK
  Business & Utility Management Technology & Infrastructure Operations & maintenance
1:30-2:45 pm

Successful projects require specific skills – cultivating a rural Alaska energy workforce

Moderated by Annalise Klein, UAF Alaska Center for Energy and Power

·        Bryan Uher, University of Alaska

·        Chris McConnell, REAP

·        Mari Selle, Alaska Workforce Alliance

Digitizing utilities: Data Monitoring and Analysis

Moderated by TBD

·        Clay Koplin, Cordova Electric

·        Dayne Broderson, ACEP

·        John Venables, EPC

·        Aimie Survant, AVEC

Challenges and Best Practices with Bulk Fuel (part 1) – operations, maintenance & improvement 

Moderated by TBD, ACEP

·        Dean Maschner, AEA

·        Shannon Oelkers, Integrity Environmental

2:45-3:15 pm BREAK
3:15-4:30 pm

It’s not a grant but it might be almost as good: financing tools and strategies you can use to pay for projects

Moderated by Dave Messier, Tanana Chiefs Conference

·        Ed Davis, Native American Bank

·        Jodi Mitchell, Inside Passage Electric Cooperative

·        Ruben den Uyl, Northern Energy Capital

Renewable Integration: Evaluating Technical and Economic Feasibility

Moderated by Cady Lister, Southeast Conference

·        James Jensen, DOE Office of Indian Energy

·        Elan Edgerly, ANTHC

·        William Thomson, AVEC

Challenges and Best Practices with Bulk Fuel (part 2) – ownership & business models

Moderated by Katie Conway, Denali Commission

·        Mark Swenson, HDL

4:30 pm Break and Shuttles begin
5:00 – 7:00 pm Reception – GATHER – 714 3rd Ave (sponsored by ACEP)
Day 2: Thursday, October 3
Thursday, October 3, 2024
7:30 am Breakfast
8:00-8:45 am

PLENARY: Delivering Statewide Projects and Investments

Moderated by Crystal Enkvist, Alaska Power Association

·        Jimmy Ord, AHFC

·        Dustin Madden, ANTHC

·        Dave Messier, Tanana Chiefs Conference

8:45-9:00 am Break and Networking
  Business & Utility Management Technology & Infrastructure Operations & Maintenance
9:00-10:15 am

Learning from regional organizations delivering energy solutions

Moderated by Katie Conway, Denali Commission

·        Robert Venables, Southeast Conference

·        Ingemar Matthiasson, Northwest Arctic Borough

·        Jason Paskvan, Tanana Chiefs Conference

·        Amanda Toerdal, Kawerak

Energy Storage

Moderated by Gary Hennigh, City of King Cover

·        Vish Viswanathan, Pacific Northwest National Lab

·        Tom Lovas, Energy & Resources Economics

·        Coffman Engineers (invited)

·        Jess Johnson, Kodiak Electric

·        AVEC

Smart Building Energy Solutions for Rural Homes and Communities

Moderated by Bruno Grunau, NREL

·        Dean Maschner, AEA

·        Shelby Clem, RurAL CAP

·        Mindy O’Neill, CCHRC

·        Jamie Hansen, Information Insights

10:15-10:45 am Break and Networking
10:45-11:30 am Overcoming challenges of scale
Moderated by Robert Venables, Southeast Conference

·        Brian Hirsch, DeerStone Consulting

·        Bill Stamm, AVEC

·        Chris Cox, ARUC

·        Jacob Powell, REAP

Managing Allocation of Excess Renewables and Beneficiaries

Moderated by Cady Lister, Southeast Conference

·        Roderick Phillips, Puvurnaq Power

·        George Hornberger, INN Electric Cooperative

·        Tom Atkinson, Kotzebue Electric

·        Dominique Pride, ACEP

·        Connie Fredenberg

Maximizing diesel genset efficiency and performance

Moderated by , IPEC

·        Justin Tuomi, AEA

·        Darren Westby, AVEC

·        Jennifer Evridge, Statewide Machinery


Noon to 1:00 pm

PLENARY – State and Federal Policy and Funding Priorities

Moderated by Nils Andreassen, Alaska Municipal League

1:00-1:30 pm Break and Networking
  Business & Utility Management Technology & Infrastructure Operations & maintenance
1:30-2:45 pm

Rural Utility Management – Getting the Fundamentals Right

Moderated by Michael Rovito, APA

·        Travis Million, GVEA

Biomass system selection and maintenance considerations

Moderated by Elan Edgerly, ANTHC

·        Devany Pletnovich, Deerstone Consulting

·        Pricilla Morris, USFS

·        Tim Kalke, SEGA


Fuel Testing

Moderated by Dan Smith, USDA-RD

·        Dean Maschner, AEA

·        Alaska Environmental Laboratory Services

·        Crowley

2:45-3:15 pm Break and Networking
3:15-4:15 pm

Plenary – AEA Energy Dashboard and Statewide Survey

Justin Tuomi & Dean Maschner, Alaska Energy Authority

·        Alaska Energy Authority will take us on a virtual tour of critical rural community infrastructure with a demonstration of their new reality capture data hub dashboard, an ArcGIS-based platform in which boots on the ground data collection is presented alongside 3D imagery of the individual facilities overlaid on a Google Earth view. To date AEA has catalogued in the dashboard 217 power generation facilities, 198 bulk fuel facilities, and 14 distribution systems with data collection still underway and the dashboard under ongoing refinement. This is a work in progress with exciting possibilities for remote assistance and training, funding assistance, and data utilization.

4:15-5:00 pm Open Mic for Utility Operators – Listening Session
5:30-7:00 pm Reception with Regional Collaboration
Day 3: Friday, October 4
Friday, October 4, 2024
7:30 am Breakfast
8:00-8:45 am

PLENARY: Goal Setting – Coordination Across Sectors

Moderated by Nils Andreassen, Alaska Municipal League

·        Francine Moreno, Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium

·        Dean Maschner, AEA

·        Griffin Hagle-Forster, Association of Alaska Housing Authorities

8:45-9:00 am Break and Networking
  Business & Utility Management Technology & Infrastructure Operations & maintenance
9:00-10:15 am

Community Energy Project Planning and Management

Moderated by Tim Kalke, Galena

·        Tashina Duttle, Deerstone Consulting

·        Michael Rovito, Alaska Power Association

Diesels Off – Keeping Powerhouse, Heat Loops, and Gensets Warm

Moderated by

·        Ed Dellamary, TCC (tentative)

·        Northwest Arctic Borough

·        AVEC


Developing and Implementing a Community Benefits Plan

Moderated by DOE, Office of Energy Justice & Equity

·        Monika Roy, DOE Energy Justice Fellow

·        Lauren Ross, Deputy Director, Energy Justice and Policy, DOE

·        Yasmin Yacoby, Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of Energy Justice and Equity


10:15-10:30 am Break and Networking
10:30-11:45 am

Are you down with IPPs?

Moderated by James Jensen, USDOE Office of Indian Energy

·        Bill Stamm, AVEC

·        Tim Kalke, SEGA

·        Katya Karankevich, ANTHC

·        Edwin Bifelt, Alaska Native Renewables

Emerging Technologies 

Moderated by Ottar Mobley, Launch Alaska

·        Dr. Hagar Zohar, Technology-to-Market, ARPA-E, DOE

·        Ben Loeffler, ACEP

·        Angelo Campus, Box Power

Utilizing Circuit Riders and Emergency Response

Moderated by Claire Jaeger, FEMA Field Coordinator Infrastructure Systems

·        Justin Tuomi, Alaska Energy Authority

·        AVEC

·        ANTHC


PLENARY LUNCH- Conference Wrap-Up: What did you hear, learn, or miss out on?

·        Katie Conway, Denali Commission

·        Robert Venables, Southeast Conference

·        Jeremy Kasper, Alaska Center for Energy and Power

·        Nils Andreassen, Alaska Municipal League

1 pm Adjourn and Break
Post-Conference Work Sessions

·        EV Deployment in Rural Alaska

·        Climate Pollution Reduction Comprehensive Planning – DEC and AML

·        Solar for All –

·        Framework for Resilient Building Codes – Hosted by AHFC